Attention all you scallywags there's a new Captain on Board!
Meet the newest Captain in our line-up, That's Captain Scurvy to you land lubbers. He a rather stylish Captain that smells great. With a refreshing mixture of Limes, Sandalwood, and Vanilla, it's a scent that will make all the lassies swoon for You.
How did we come to the name Captain Scurvy, Well it's a good story? Gather close me hearties as I explain how the good Captain came about. We were looking for a new Captain to set sail in our fleet. We checked with the masses on several Facebook forum members. A contest was held to see who would be able to name the good Captain. We were lucky that one member, James Gehrke stepped forth stating that Captain Scurvy would be a great pirate Captain! So all our mates put it to a vote to see if he would be the chosen one. After several days of heated Parley, Captain Scurvy was voted to be our newest Captain!
Ordered often awhile back and I was pleased to see it's still just as glorious and wonderful smelling as always! Big props to the gentleman and his company for producing such awesome stuff for men! Receiving my order made my whole week!