I ordered the Davy Jones. Without looking back at the description all I remember seeing was “Bourbon”, which is more than enough for me. Great price, shipped fast.
The jar is a nice classy black, fitting with the pirate theme, and the graphics are stellar. Shopping for a scent online is nearly Impossible, so it’s always a bit of a gamble, right? I crack this puppy open, shove my nose in there and see what we’ve got. Holy s—-snacks that’s nice! It’s not a scent I’d usually pick for myself, but I couldn’t put it back down. It was a legit addiction.
The bourbon and roasted wood were there, but not overpowering. They were wrapped in a cozy robe of caramel, leather, and something else I can’t put my finger on. It’s alluring, deep, and rich.
I hit the shower then lather up, which was all too easy. While smells are difficult to describe, feelings aren’t.
As soon as brush hit face I felt like an entirely different person. I felt this rush of warmth and what can only be described as rugged luxury. The person I felt like was legendary.
When I walked into a room with that scent you feel a calmness while still knowing that some man s—-it’s about to go down. My clothes came from places you’ve never heard of, and quite frankly you’re too impressed to ask. My handshake was like a warm hug, my smile was almost a sideways grin. I ran an “import/export” business that seems like the most trustworthy thing ever. Everything in my house was leather and wood, handcrafted almost entirely by myself. When I poured a cup of coffee you could taste the moisture that flowed through the roots all the way to the bean in exquisite detail, and it was Folgers. I was confident because I felt like I EARNED it. I was like like the embodiment of a 1960s soft leather chair.
After I finished I felt the need to get both a premium pickup truck and a 1970s coupe in British racing green. I was ready to walk into a room and announce that alright dammit I’m here. I wanted to live that life forever, but alas I have to wait until the next shave.
So what does it smell like? Upgrade. It smells like an upgrade. It smells like being a step above in every part of your life.
Go buy the soap. You deserve to feel that way too. Well done, Black Ship!